Computer Hardware
Hardware is a physical part of a computer that you can touch,carry, feel and watch.
Hardware is made up of electronic components, so defected hardware modules can be replaced with a new one. Hardware Up-gradation is only possible with the replacement of old hardware with a new one. Hardware can be broken.
Manufacturing of computer hardware can be done by Computer hardware companies. For eg. ASUS , HP, Canon, Dell etc.
Computer Software
Software is a collection of computer programs that are developed by a group of instructions written in the programming language. Users can not feel or touch the software. Every software may have different features as per the version. Computer virus or malware can affect the functionality of the software. The software can be updated by installing newly released update-modules. The software cannot be broken.
Development of the computer software can be done by Software
developer compnies. Some software developer are Google,
Microsoft,IBM etc.
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